sometimes, I noticed that If I made a new interesting post, some stackers might go back to check my old ones.
That's exactly what I do, especially if I don't know the nym.
Like getting to know them and rewarding them not only for current behavior, but also for past behavior.
I think getting a zap for the past is even more exciting since you know that someone took the time to read your old stuff and liked it so much they zapped. For some reason, I believe the "zap sense" is less active for past posts.
But my theory is with more users + better features regarding this, more old content will be rediscovered by more people with stronger "zap sense"
Thus, infinite zaps. lol
I just hope that I am not the only one doing this, haha
@nemo had a good point when I mentioned this: maybe I am projecting too much, haha
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@k00b could look up the recent zaps in the database and see which were for old items. Or send me a up-to-date database dump and I can do it myself.
No need for subjective measurements. We have the raw data available :)
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because I'm deleting all my shit so I will never get the potential massive gainz from old posts, lol :)
I hope you know it was just a joke about you missing out because you delete all your stuff haha
And I wouldn't die on this hill of a theory I created, haha
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I even wrote down my SN lightning address on a tree (far from where I live) with "send nudes zaps" below, in the hope some random person will zap me in the future, lol
They could even attach a message now :)
@shurikencutter can confirm
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