There's a certain type of person (and there are plenty in bitcoin) that seem to be incapable of separating what is likely to happen from what I want to happen. I see it in comments on so many SN posts. Guys, the world moves very slowly until it doesn't. No one knows how this will pan out. I think we all agree that bitcoin fixes so many things and that it can replace so many middle men. But, this will not happen over night. Being able to see what is coming is a skill we need to have. Trying to anticipate the future. Reading the room, etc.
Being able to have vision but also having principles. This is a powerful combination. Anyone can rant about what they want the world to look like. Nothing special about that at all.
there's too much fear going around -- we need to embrace and be prepared for bitcoin to take on the centralized garbage that gets built over top of it