Ultimately yes I agree with Sailor and Finney.
I've said for years that while there's nothing wrong with self custody and hardware wallets, it's naïve to think that even 1% of people will go that route.
Being a custodian is a 3,000 year old profession. It doesn't matter if it's gold, or fiat, or livestock, or books... People WANT to pay other people to keep their stuff safe. And Bitcoin is stuff. And people want other people to keep it safe for them.
People can complain all they want about nyknc etc., but the reality of human psychology, let alone the transaction scaling problem, is that custodians will always exist.
Given the axiom that custodians will exist, the Bitcoin ecosystem owes it to the world to build the best possible custodians. Not building them is not an option. Either scammers like sbf will do it, or good actors can step up and make it happen. The sooner the community stops ostracizing the idea custodians the sooner we can professionalize and clean up the custodian industry.