Bitcoin is for enemies. When bitcoin becomes the money of the world everyone will use it. There will be good and evil people using it. They will be using it for good and ill. My question is will there be banks? I'm not convinced they will go away. Maybe they will but who knows how long it will take. I do think technology destroys middle men and I can see a future without banks.
The other part of this is I don't think he's wrong. I'm not for it, but I think he is talking about the clown crypto firms being replaced by tradfi/banks. That will happen in the short term. Its already happening. It will continue. I don't agree with his rational as he's still a statist but he's not wrong about his prediction.
Tradfi will not just go away but I doubt many of these crypto firms survive the next decade. They will be gobbled up or put out of business by the state. They just don't have the clout with the state.
The adult supervision part... seems to me he's talking about custodians rugging people. I've listened to Saylor quite a bit and he's a statist but he's pretty minarchist at least. These regulators and state actors are dead they just don't know it yet. Bitcoin is slowly destroying their power base and by the time they realize it, it will be to late. So I don't really care what Saylor says in this regard. It isn't up to him. Anyone worried about a single man stopping bitcoin is not bullish on bitcoin.