I also wonder: if CW has proven, repeatedly, to be a fraud, is there really nothing that can be done to make him pay for it? As far as I can tell, 100% of CW-related legal activity is waiting passively for CW to do something, and then trying to get the case to take into account his history of fraud.
The COPA case is a lawsuit against Craig Wright to pre-emptively (basically) get him declared as not Satoshi. That lawsuit is not "passive".
But beyond that even if you win a lawsuit against Craig how do you get him to actually pay up? He claims to not have any assets that can be seized. That may be a lie. But the Florida case has been dragging on for ages trying to collect $140 million from him without success.
Realistically he owes far more money than he could possibly have. So the best we will all be able to do do is be able to seize his assets and garnish his wages for life. At great expense.