So far as I can tell Ulbricht is not without guilt. He was aware silk road was being used to coordinate and purchase wetwork.This fact was proven during his trial. To simplify the problem with silk road down to people simply selling drugs is to whitewash reality. We know he was aware of his site being used to take out contracts on life because he himself seeked those services to exact revenge over a dispute he had with someone who stole from him.
When people come out for Ross, and ignore Assange, I can't keep my mind from the condemnation of Christ. Ulbricht's mother can't be taken seriously, she is in denial her son is capable of murder.
Ross Ulbricht is Barabbas.
Unfortunately Massey is virtue signaling and serving the deep state at the same time. I never thought I'd see this from Massey.
From my reply to another post, here on SN:
That case was handled terribly -- corruption by the State was rife, and Ross should today be free.
Free Ross LARPing #19545
Assange's situation, same thing. It is an unjust travesty!