I was going to ask if there's software / a service that makes it easy-ish to set something up where people can email you or send you a message somehow but only if they send you sats over and above some reserve price.
But then I thought: maybe that could be an aspect of the DM feature on SN? People can only DM you if they zap a certain amounts of sats? Not that I'd want to turn that on in SN for my actual self, but it does seem a useful use case to solve somehow, esp going forward.
@k00b and @ekzyis, thoughts?
I was going to ask if there's software / a service that makes it easy-ish to set something up where people can email you or send you a message somehow but only if they send you sats over and above some reserve price.
You're describing what https://vida.live/ was initially. They've pivoted to video-centric services overtime though.
152 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 3 Nov 2023
We definitely had this in mind (fee for DMs to prevent spam) but we're bad at writing down everything we discuss in Github
Seems like one of those weird accidental things that could turn into a surprising part of a business model.
I just sent you a DM over SN... that cost me 1 sat (min). Check your SN wallet to read it.