I was trying to reposition an outdoor table umbrella that got knocked over in the wind. I didn't account for the large cement base! Very dumb. I actually felt something give way, and then the pain. I have been hobbling around for days, looking older than I actually am.
I think that is technically a sports injury… usually take 5 days to start to heal but could be weeks to properly repair.
(And just to add the legal; am a sports therapist by training but I am not your sports therapist. Do not take this as medical advice and you should always consult your doctor etc etc.)
Thanks. I shall not take anything you utter as medical advice, just musings of a friend. Sounds about right. It's feeling better finally after four or five days. When a member of a pro sports team I root for gets this injury I always assume they're dogging it. Not anymore.
Dogging it…. Lol. Haven’t heard that term in a while.just be careful and get help moving heavy furniture as the cost of injury is annoyance and inconvenience if not worse.
Showing my age. I should stop using that expression. Dogs are better than people.
Whilst being better than people looks good for the dog, it’s not when you consider some people set a very low bar….