This is going to be fun. But let me tell you, its more like what I thought she was like and how she actually is…
When we first met through parents, she looked like a shy girl next door. She was smiling and feeling awkward a lot. After we got married and a little more comfortable, she walks around house naked, has 0 level of shyness.
I thought I was getting cold feet. She was being forced. Turned out she had insisted to her parents that she wanted to get married, like literally told them in a complete sentence, ‘Dad, I want to get married. I don't have any boyfriend right now. Search a groom for me.’ I'm not even exaggerating, her parents tell this story all the time.
I thought she didn't like talking. WRONG. She NEVER shuts up. If she does, I'll wake up. Lol, I've started to enjoy it.
She's frigid. WRONG. Once comfortable, she's a freak.
She's so slow and, unhappy person. Wrong. She is hyperactive and becomes happy just about at nothing.
She doesn't like me. Big time wrong. Turned out, she has liked me since day 1. She loves me.
She'll probably never fight or argue. Wrong. Loveeess to argue, though I don't like to admit it much, she's usually right about things. And people too.
Is probably passive aggressive. Wrong. Tells me when things bother her, almost immediately.
Is dumb. Wrong. She's really smart.
She does not feel much. Wrong. All of her emotions are intense.
Is very serious. Wrong. Very very wrong. Can't go on a day without lame jokes. Lame jokes are lifeline to her. She knows they are lame but loves it.
As for the changes, she hasn't changed much. Can motherhood be included? Anyways, it suits her well.
She's staying at her parents place with our boy. I miss her. Its been just a day though. I guess, I'll call now.