I think in the next 10-20 years World will be in the great depression, don’t watch GDP numbers, see the world around you from the censorship resistant Decentralised network like Nostr, and then we will see that all their numbers are wrong, people in the west has started to suffer and they have seen extreme, India is saved because of our public, but now westernisation is occurring at more faster rate and Fiat Creatures will need to suck more blood out of the developing countries, we will see education and pharma and banking and many more industries to collpase like a domino, because they are built on the dirty evil Fiat foundation.
And there are few developing countries still left to collapse and India is one of them. They managed to fall many countries in the middle east and europe and South america, even China is falling, India is okay and the largest growing GDP in the world, aaaaand that’s why they want to enter India AND India has changed a lot in the last 20 years, like it’s BOOOOM. Western companies have started to enter India at a rapid speed and Privatisation in Education and Hospital has started to occur. The number of C-Section surgery has increased 5 times in the last 7-8 years. Doctor has started to prescribe a surgery even in a minor disease, Only because they have to meet their demand ow they won’t get their salary. Just before 20 years, the medicine use in india was almost negligible, we people had Ayurveda lessons getting passed on from generations and used to treat many illness with the natural herbs and Yoga practices. Our PM is trying hard to spread Yoga and Ayurveda but still more and people are getting dependent on medicine, Diabetes cases are exploding, heart cases too.
After our PM Modi came into power from 2014, India has seen the largest spending ever respect to GDP in the last 10 years. Poor are still becoming poorer but they are getting Govt made houses and Toilet, govt tell them that they have taken few Millions of people out of poverty, but they don’t show the data of numbers of people they have put into millionaires and Billionaires class because of the Cantillon effect.
People don’t have time to explore life. Majority don’t know about spirituality. They get born, Study, work hard and die. They don’t fucking live. People have become extreme fearful. They don’t have courage to fight or question the authorities. It feels like they have been trained to follow what the state tell them to do. I don’t know much about eugenics but these controversies seems to be true. They are trying to artificially select Human species and kill those who rebel. Human are not dogs.
They don’t know that they will fail. Someone will rise when the time comes and punish them. #Satoshi seems to be that guy. But we all have to be Satoshi. We all have to fight. He has given us a beautiful peaceful protest tool.
I see only one solution and that is #Bitcoin, unless they have some Bitcoin, they won’t be saved. CBDC pilot is already rolling out here in India. No politicians or any God can fix the problem without removing the central banks. Decentralisation of power is necessary for Humanity to work and cooperate at a larger level.
And Bitcoin will usher in a new era in this 1-2 decade long depression, everything will keep falling against Bitcoin including the price.
We will see people working for 10k sats per month salary no later than 2050.
So guys, Gather your strengths, increase your power with the ancients technique like Yoga, Meditation, KungFu. They can’t beat the inner Power swirling in everyone. We all are connected with that same power, but we have to come to realisation to awaken that power.
Let’s all unite and fight and create a better world for our Children.
: Posting from a village somewhere in India.