I think that's a fair way of putting it.
If you're not some kind of ideologue who denies science and data, you must admit that some people are smarter than others and capable of more abstract thought than others. It's not a nice thing to say, but it seems to be true. If civilization continues in the way that it's been going, requiring increasing levels of intelligence to do the jobs that the market wants done, what happens?
It's a real thing to think about, even if it's not really a thing you can talk about without getting canceled. The angle that a fiat reserve currency is accelerating this trend is a very interesting monkey wrench on top of everything.
It's not just about smarter. This modern environment is so novel that a whole host of traits that were highly adaptive 10,000 years ago are now maladaptive.
True. Being an aggressive and violent asshole was probably socially adaptive for a long time, when there were plenty of outsiders to whom your urges could be directed. The Iliad is a nice account of some of that.
Now all they have is cryptotwitter.
At the very least, it was beneficial to have a larger share of those people around.