Oh I feel you, fellow writer. So let me start off with a confession. The other day, I posted a compilation of stuff I had gathered on UTXOs. I won’t even call it a beginner’s guide because it was a clumsy attempt to articulate in words something that is very foreign to me. It generated some responses - great. Some people surfaced loopholes in my thinking - awesome. The thing is, I haven’t replied them so far because I feel inadequate. I don’t know where to start when it comes to penning my replies.
So there you go. I feel (and am) ignorant about Bitcoin matters. The way I go about it is to use my ignorance as a starting point to find out more. After all, I’m here to learn.
I think the fear we imagine is often worse than when it is manifested. We think that people may judge us when we post our imperfect ideas, but Stackers here are incredibly generous with their time (and zaps). Only when we put ourselves out there can we expect to grow as writers and individuals.
I read your post. I enjoyed reading it. I have your back. Post more. 🤗😋
aw man, that's so true and kind. thank you my good writer fellow. hats off
Us writers must stick together xP
Working about your learning process is amazing.
You share with progress and have proper feedback on the matter, you should reply, ask them their opinion and use that as the next step of your learning and next post, you get better and, if you mention who helped you, gain loyalty from readers for being honest and open to get better.
Look people who wrote tutorials, the best ones are edited with better solutions AND credit from who shared those solutions.
Sounds like a winning formula!
That's right, you can even try with a pseudonym to check if there's interest and then push on if it works.