Some of us have known for a while now but in more recent months it has become increasingly obvious that there is a war on bitcoin and the fiat powers that be are ramping up their attacks.
Some of the attacks are the privacy of the blockchain. Some attacks are on exchanges as they are required by law to comply with new regulations from unelected bureaucrats. Some attacks are against miners. Some are against users like you and me.
I don't see this trend slowing down in the next decade. I think it will get worse going into an election year. Obviously bitcoin won't be stopped by politicians but they can absolutely hurt us as individuals and hinder growth within a jurisdiction.
How do you see the war on bitcoin being waged now and in the future? and how are you planning on fighting back?
how are you planning on fighting back?
  1. Never comply with anything a gov says. I do not consent to be governed. Compliance is a disease.
  2. Demand to be paid in bitcoin
  3. Onboard as many merchants around you, convince them to pay also their employees / suppliers in bitcoin. Yes, is a slow process but worth trying and trying. Create strong bitcoin communities around you.
  4. Never go back to fiat. Dump all the shitcoin fiat and stay in bitcoin.
  5. Start the bitcoin circular economy.
I stand with DarthCoin
Very good article.
Elizabeth Warren is working with big banks to ban self-custody bitcoin wallets ..."evermore sophisticated cryptocurrency technologies such as non custodial wallets"...
oh my ... hahhaha or should I cry? LOL
She has become everything that she claimed to be against. She's nothing more than the mouthpiece of banks in Washington. 🤡
They want to funnel bitcoin investors into the ETFs for control.
bitcoin ETF incoming…🌊
good luck fucking with peoples investments 🥳
Those of us who hold our own keys will be fine but those who buy ito ETF will end up getting rekt.