You're coming from a unique viewpoint - this is your strength, not a weakness.
I came across an artist who said:
If critics say they don't like who I am, I concentrate who I am even more.
You gave several positives, including being both, 'Boldly engaging' and 'Refining' - you're right - I use SN as a poster this way too. Be fluid, sometimes your greatest tool is your ability to rewrite and prune - to boil it down to one's essence. Often time I've accidentally deleted an hours work and coming back to rewrite it, it was the best thing that could have happened.
There's lots of great stackers here who are clever, witty and creative - they're your tribe. As SN is a broad church - you'll always people liking your stuff.
I'm happily surprised by the amount of love and sats given to people opening up and giving fresh perspectives.
You've got lots of great allies out here!
Keep posting, keep refining.
Wow, I can never bear to delete an hour’s worth of work like that. I need to have something to justify my investment of time and energy haha. Why don’t just post it? I always tell myself - never let perfection be the enemy of the good enough
Ah, you've not picked up on a key word, my sensei friend. That word 'accidentally' [gulp]
Alas! This hurts. But I agree with you. Somehow rewriting something has a way of distilling thoughts into the core essence of what you wish to express