You ever resort to murder because somebody was blackmailing you? You think that is a legitimate response?
Who was harmed? It’s like saying that because a defendant shot with intent to kill but missed - “who was harmed, your honour?”.
Not saying that the Government is not at fault, like I said, I find it wild that it can concoct a crime to entrap one of its own citizens. Completely insane and liable to corruption.
Also not saying his sentence is not seemingly over-long either, it does seem disproportionate.
But we know this guy is capable of murder so I find it strange that he is canonized to such a degree.
Hey I’m not saying Ross was a saint. I’m certainly not canonizing him. Yes, he went down some bad paths and did wrong. But the question remains. Who was harmed by Ross?
2 life sentences when a victim is not identifiable is, as the OP stated, so messed up.
Folks that overdosed, or were inadvertently given the drugs, or children who consumed the parent’s drugs were harmed