Drug kingpin goes to prison, no real loss there. This triggers the fuck out of people, but why are these same people not defending peoples rights to sell drugs on the street corner too?
You guys simultaneously exhault this guy and then shame Seattle for legalizing drugs and then reducing it to a "lib shithole"
Make your minds up.
Neither Ross or the guy selling drugs on street corner deserve anywhere near the sentence that he got.
There's a difference between people anonymously buying drugs for personal consumption, and having a shitty government open up mass distribution without any consequence because you want to outprogressifag the other progressifags.
Don't be fucking daft.
I would suggest the Olympics but Mental Gymnastics is not a category you can participate in. That is very unfortunate for you. Maybe next time bud.
Rich coming from the anon who can't own their own retardation. Do not pass GO, and do not collect 575,329 sats.