Finally. Someone (@Bitman) that may believe me when I say I don't see or hear any ads. Or spam.
Pretty much the same setup: no TV, obsessive muting, blocking & skipping, single-use email addresses, etc. For well over 10 years at this point.
It does require effort to maintain though, if we're honest about it.
Sure I believe you. I can't believe that we're the only ones here who live this way too. With all of the tech native guys here I'd be very surprised if we weren't. What's the tech here for if we can't tweak it?
Back* when email spam started becoming a real problem, I was explaining to a friend my 'system' for blocking all spam. I'll never forget his response:
"That's quite neat", he said. "You could probably make good money selling your system to others. Except, how are you going to get the word out? By spamming people?"
*Probably around the same time Adam Back was working on his anti-spam system. And we all know where that got us.
That's a fun story. Anything come about from your anti-spam system? You've got into game design now?
Anything come about
Other than me still using it, nothing came of it.
game design
No. Not even a gamer myself. But that's a story for another day. :)
Looking forward to hearing it.