So I said this already: #301069
What happens to those 401ks in the case of a fork? Do you own Bitcoin? Or are you left with Bitcoin Cash?
What would have happened if a Bitcoin ETF company took part in the NY Agreement?
Okay, additionally, you can actually talk to a lawyer about setting up a self directed IRA (where you set up a holding company that you run to hold your assets for you the customer) I know there are self directed IRA companies and I specifically don't mean those.
Also, unchained capital (while not ideal in my opinion) I've heard people gave them 1 key in a 2 of 3 multi-sig and that was good enough for a retirement account as well.
Now, I won't pretend like I understand the requirements to roll over one retirement plan into a different retirement account and all of those things, but of what I do know, there looks like a path that can be taken to avoid a lot of the risk that using an ETF instead would bring.