Its really something isn't it? The government has financial incentives to keep you from holding your own money.
Surely I don't need to repeat this, but in case a lurker hasn't seen the argument before, what happens to those 401ks in the case of a fork? Do you own Bitcoin? Or are you left with Bitcoin Cash?
What would have happened if a Bitcoin ETF company took part in the NY Agreement?
Agree, that's why it is wise to stay away from them...
What are the incentives for an ETF to choose a less desirable fork? I can think of disincentives - lower value and therefore lower profits from the fees.
Legal compliance, for example anyway. Confidence as another example that because they're moving with other industry partners that it won't present a problem for them. Afterall, why would an exchange support a "less desirable" fork. Read up on the New York agreement man.