This is sovereign citizen bullshit. Are the countless videos of you people getting owned on youtube not enough?
Please, stand before a judge and a room of lawyers you select and tell them all "uhm ackshully I know how to read the law better than you and everyone reads it wrong"
No one that follows this "advice" has come out the other side successfully, retard.
I stand my ground in front of a judge. I simply asked 3 times: "please provide any document or hard proof that anybody in this room, have any authority or jurisdiction over me, the living man. The authority comes from your own consent. I must sign and consent to give to somebody that authority over me. Otherwise is pure slavery. Am I your slave here?"
Nobody dared to rebut my claim and they closed the session and I go home free.
Because it was easier and cheaper to not deal with your retarded ass. You didn't win against the system. The system sighed and didn't feel like dealing with your trivial bullshit. Go ahead and keep at it.
The sovereign citizen bullshit you speak of has to do with the STRAWMAN, birth certificates, and other patriot mythology.
This has nothing to do with that. This is called "following the rules of the court". Are you not aware that people can go to court without a lawyer?
Go back to watching YouTube videos in your mom's basement, neckbeard. This is why people get trampled on.
It sounds like you're just too poor to have people deal with the courts for you.