I wish I could share your optimism. I'm a retired U.S.lawyer. After 35 years of practice, I realize that laws will be manipulated to serve those in power. Words on a piece of paper mean nothing against the full force of the state. Best to avoid the legal system if you can.
Best to avoid the legal system if you can.
Indeed. They will always sent you letters in the name of the CORPORATION not the living man. That's why you should simply reply to them: "I do not have any contract with you". Always reply, if you don't means acceptance.
All letters have written in CAPITAL letters the name, that means corporation. I am a living man, not a corporation. They are just trying to fool people to obey and act like corporations (aka papers).
Yo @anon, THIS is the sovereign citizen bullshit you're thinking of.
Regardless, enjoy continuing to be a slave!
Disagree. Give up easily if you want, but I've seen plenty of successes. Lower courts will trample all over you. Best to expect to lose in lower courts, then appeal your case to where the real judges are who follow the rule of law. Hardly any lawyers follow their BAR or court rules appropriately either. Maybe you're not, but most lawyers are idiots.
I'll hire you if I ever get in trouble.
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and youve appealed cases in these higher courts?