He seems to say in that video that lightning can only scale if LSPs become professional services run by very wealthy people
He's probably right, but (1) we're far from hitting lightning's scalability limits right now, there's plenty of time right now to run an LSP on a hobby node (2) even once that tipping point arrives I still think it's important that anyone be able to run LSP software. Your LSP service might not be popular in a future where professionals dominate the scene, but popularity is not the only important thing in this world.
For me, freedom is key. I don't want to be beholden to professionals. I want to run an LSP locally, for my friends. If that doesn't earn me thousands of dollars per month from massive scale and usage, fine. I'm not asking for that. I just want freedom, and since I can build it myself, I don't really need to ask anyone for that. I'll just do it, and invite others to join me if they want to.