I believe it has nothing to do with Halloween. (Our modern conception of that holiday). It's about All Hallows Eve, though. I.e. the eve of All Saint's Day. That was the day Martin Luther chose to publish his 95 theses, which precipitated the Reformation. I believe Satoshi was mindful that the Bitcoin white paper would be as impactful on the direction of world history as the 95 theses.
Yep, that's its included too - it's my favorite actually!
BTW it seems Luther never nailed anything to any church door. Everything get embellished over time doesn't it.
The original Celtic pagan holiday was to ward off the spirits attempting to return home- Catholics appropriated the holiday as “all hallows Eve” preceding “all saints day”
Similar to Easter and Christmas- Catholic holidays are celebrated on previously pagan holidays.
The name Halloween comes from “All hallows Eve” (Catholic practice)
The modern theme of Halloween has reverted to its pagan roots, except for the name- and without spirituality or due respect for the dead- Which modern pagans (and some Christians) argue was the intention of Catholic leadership.
Satoshi mirrors Luther.