It has been a while you haven't ear from us, we were super busy and here we are finally taking a breath to tell you what's going on joinstr land.

✅ Progress

  • Our Electrum plugin is available. In case you don't know what Electrum Bitcoin wallet is, click here.
  • Replace python-nostr with nostr-sdk (still progressing)
  • We finally set up our Geyser campaign to support current and future development. Check it out and drop some sats, it will help a lot!
  • Updated our landing page accordingly, * check it out!
  • We moved the project back on GitHub to break barriers and enable more dev to actively contribute (it's sucks because it still a Microzoz products, anyway our main GitLab code will stay available, just in case...)
  • We also find... well ok, we'll tell you about this next time ;)

🔮 Vision

  • Use collected funds (we reach 1M sats in 1 day, thank you community!) to create bounties and incentivize the community to participate and be openly involved.
  • Implement encrypted channels
  • Build web app: we have the engine ad we have the body parts, it's now time to connect the two
  • Build android app: same as above
  • Use new UI/UX for web app and mobile app

✋ Blockers

  • Events published by python-nostr are not getting stored by relays and started getting this warning, which might be related to this issue. We are not sure how to fix it in it and might need using a different pyton library for a PoC, and change a lot of code if this issue is not resolved. Any help on this will be much appreciated.
  • The Electrum plugin is working but there's still a bug we are working. You free to check the code and submit your feedback, comments and pull requests.

🔗 References

Thank you for reading till here, stay tuned, more exciting news are coming to Joinstr!
Sometimes you don't need complex cryptography but common sense - @1440000bytes