I came to a life-altering revelation today after some conversations, and I realized I've been lying my whole life. Pretending to be humble, even to myself. I've been so scared of being seen as arrogant. But I AM arrogant. So I spent 2000 sats on a stacker who called me out. Truth deserves reward.
Working on a small essay about why bitcoin maximalism, which I saw as a cult, is actually a very good strategy. Also going to include an example of how easily stacker.news can be controlled, and how cheap it would be. Guys, not storing IP addresses is not good, it just makes you easier to cyberturf. I'm gonna make sure about my assumptions though before I slander anything.
There is certainly incentive for stacker.news to not care about bots, if the bots are good enough to seem human, that's how you get good investors. So might be a valid strategy to not make such critique. Who cares if the site quality goes down for a while, when the upside is millions of dollars (yes, dollars, because I'm not here to play pretend that dollars aren't more stable than freakin bitcoin). The botting and ads are nearly, and actually, unsolvable in reality. I'm a stacker.news maximalist so I won't do anything that could harm the site. End of very interesting observations.
Interested to read it when it's out :)
I've decided to keep the stacker stuff out, I'm working on a message that ill just send to you privately so I can get some clarity. Last time I wrote I just wasn't skillful enough. So I'm working on it, hopefully it's nothing like last time. But nonetheless it will be an interesting read I bet!