Happy Sat-urday Stackers,
I hope your hangover isn't as bad as mine.
Have a great weekend stackers!
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  1. KYC/AML laws are incredible at being ineffective, yet hundreds of billions of dollars are spent complying with the laws annually.
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  3. A few weeks ago @pycan warned us they were making a jukebox and now they've done it.
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  1. Everything Engineer #2 \ Stacker News \ Austin or Remote
Yeehaw, Keyan A guy who works on Stacker News
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i don't know how bad your hangover is, but mine is pretty rough. i recommend water, weed, and laying on the couch watching scary movies
water ✅ movies ✅ high fat food ✅
weed would be nice but it messes with my drive (I know it's not that way for everyone etc)
Great stuff and another great week. Well done!
Hey, wait, k00b
All Top 5 have less stacked sats than mine 10.5k sat from 23 Oct : #291420
explain this, please...
Ranking isn't solely determined based on sats because what would stop you from zapping yourself with a sock puppet? You can read about it in the FAQ.
Who better than you can verify if zapping was from legitimate users, then? I have only single account here, I'm too old for such tricks.
You stole my position in Saturday Newsletter, sad but true. And obviously I know why. ("Nothing induces a bigger annoyance than the Truth.")
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