They will fine you for looking at a QB the wrong way. Haha. Just the nature of the league these days. I was watching NFL late last night and they were replaying the 1982 superbowl and Joe Montana was holding for FGs and Point after attempts. Can you imagine a starting QB doing that now?
The league's gunna need to address this "tushpush" "brotherlyshove" BS play. 22 bodies in one concentrated hit. That's not gunna be good at all.
Shouldn't the teams have enough incentive not to put their $40 million QB's in those situations? I don't see why the league needs to ban it.
I'm not sure banning it is the route. But it certainly as a play need to be addressed to find a way to ensure that contact with the head isn't occuring.
My dad and I both vaguely remember Tush Push style plays being against the rules. Were teams allowed to do this in the 90's?