My girlfriend doesn't want sex nearly as much as I do, but we get along very well and enjoy each other's company. Should I break up with her? What is the sweetest thing your husband has ever said to you? Should a mother buy her 12 and 14 year old daughters thong underwear? Seems way too young to me. I wanted peoples honest opinions please and thanks Which areas or parts of a man's body do most women find most and least attractive? What’s the most embarrassing thing someone caught you doing when they walked in the room? How did you play it off? What is the feeling of riding a plane for the first time? Is it like a roller coaster? My husband thinks I should do all the house hold responsibility such as cleaning and cooking since I don’t work but he does. I asked him for help but he says he’ll start helping once I get a job. What should I do? What attracts most women to a man? Have you ever gotten an explanation from an ex after months or years of break up? What if she barely wants to make love to me? What do women find attractive the most in men similar to how men find big butts/slim waists to be the most attractive, other than the face? Why do people fake mental illnesses? What can I do to make $5,000 a week? What is the most romantic thing someone said or did to you? My boyfriend at the time worked at a pawn shop. I went in on a Thursday after I got off work, and I saw this really cute Vera Bradley bag for $15. I told him if it's there tomorrow after I get paid, I'll come back and get that bag.
The next day, my boyfriend messaged me saying that someone had bought it while he was on lunch. Okay, it's just a bag, not a big deal.
He took me to dinner that night. In the parking lot, before we got out, he said “You know I love you, right?" I said “I know, and I love you, too." He opened the glove compartment. The bag was there.
He bought the bag on his lunch break to surprise me.
We're happily married now. 😊
BJ with alternating hot and cold tea - by candlelight. 🎆💘