Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
In your head clear your mind and think “what will be my next thought?”…then post what it was
@PlebLab party last night was a blast.
Me and misses were Pilgrims.
While we didn’t buy them for what they symbolize, Pilgrims would’ve been bitcoiners. They were responsible for the whole separating church and state thing.
This song on wavelake is pretty good!
little known dieting trick: you can eat a box of croissants if you admit beforehand that you need to lose weight
Went pool playing this weekend. It's funny how the simple things can bring so much joy.
Making sauerkraut for the first time. I think it will be a success.
Good luck! German food isn’t bad - it’s the wurst.
protip: get a cbd shot in your coffee if it doesn't taste enough like bong water
Shoutout to the fella who made "Bitcoin Timechain Widgets" which can be found on the Google Play store.
Nice having block height and blocks remaining to next halving front and center on my screen.
A little shameless self promotion eh? ;)
Howdy partners it’s my lucky day, I’ve had my cowboy hat for 50 days. Might use it for my Halloween costume tonight!
Yeehaw to that!
Howdy everyone!!! The weekend is finally here!! Time to relax for those who can and time to keep on keeping on for those who can't. Let's do this, I apologize for not posting yesterday but I had a busy Friday, setting my classroom up for my students for this upcoming day of the day and Halloween, but rest assured I did sent my good vibes to you and your loved ones, like I always do. Today I've got to work for a bit then do some Halloween shopping for the kids who come on knocking for a treat, this Tuesday. It's a beautiful Saturday here in Playa, sun is shinning and air is cool, a good recipe for a good day, I wish you all a phenomenal weekend, lots of success and profit. May it be also filled with love, joy and productivity. Remember, you're important and you matter. Thank you for being!! Be well and stay frosty my friend!!
Our screening of Stranded went well. We had a group of local and some non-local bitcoiners and afterwards went to a rooftop bar across the street and some of us were talking into midnight! I look forward to continuing the fun today at our barbecue. Let's go Miami bitcoin.
In the fiat world, online businesses in order to charge people money, they need to:
  1. register a company, deal with accounting stuff and the yearly maintenance, maybe even tax if they don't do their homework.
  2. use payment processes, most likely Stripe, which means need to pay again.
  3. to use these payment processes also requires to have a bank account.
what a well-designed loop, layers of layers of middlemen sitting in between, but guess what you really need now? A simple site, spin up a node, and focus on your craft:)
Still, iwe cannot sit here and believe that Bitcoin economy will stay only an online-matter. Therefore some kind of compromise will be accepted by the ones that actually want to do business using bitcoin out there in the real world.
My two cents
Indeed, bridging real-world goods with Bitcoin should be the goal, it's also part of the fun in figuring it out.
It could be even easier using a nostr market:
  • no need for a static website / domain / server hosting
  • no point of attack, all traffic is through wss not http
  • could be fully anonymous
  • and many more
indeed, wild!
I want to see how will it work if integrating Bitcoin with real-world goods, because then you need to deal with the logistics and suppliers.
Silk Road on steroids 😂😂😂
do you know any Bitcoin-only site that solve this problem? I see can be a good example of shipping products, I'm curious: how do they send the shipping, like under the name citadel21 or someone else as a person?
  • if sending as a person, then would need to disclose the fiat name?
  • if sending as a company, then need to go through the same BS again?
sender is not important. You can send as Satoshi Nakamoto. Receiver address is important.
this should be the way, all really matter is the receiver address, but the customs would require the sender ( fiat ) name if sending international shipping, so I'm really curious how others solve this problem 🤔
Life! Am I right?!
SN feature request 👀 @k00b @ekzyis
It would be nice to have the option to show the user's post from oldest to newest, like I wanted to read someone's early posts but can only manually keep clicking the more now.
Just like New York City Just like Jericho Pace the halls and climb the walls And get out when they blow.
Jericho - a recommended old series to watch
I'm losing my hair faster than it can go grey. I want to get one of those basins so I can wash my bald head like Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now. "The horror".
I'm getting white now like the canadian forrests in the winter. But I will hold course without debasing my hair by artificial colour. Winter is nearing, friends. And Bitcoin won't solve it!
The time chain
Ohhhh yes. Need to do exercises for my back every day to keep on moving...
My kids had me pulling mine out AND turned it grey… Attacked from all angles
Hahaha. Yeah, that's the generational fight
My beard went gray 20 years before my head.
I got a white beard first… but I knew I was old when the chest rug went grey.
Day 196 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Ever onward snail army!
Welcome __@_'-'
Each slow step in turn, forest path unseen. Look to Bitcoin through the trees…
Sounds a bit like RM Rilke! I like that.
I got a little Robert Frost vibe.
Agreed. More seasonal than intentional though.
Pushing my toddler in his stroller to attend a Halloween party in the neighborhood. Maybe one day he will be able to accept zaps instead of candy!
Orange pilling others is definitely a good opportunity to learn, and for both sides!
Great stuff!
and writing about these experiences will give you even more confidence in yourself doing it. You will be able to see where you failed or have success and in time you will look into your past "onboarding" process and improve it.
Darth, sorry I am changing the subject, but do you remember that guy Bitcoin TINA? He did a lot of podcasts. I think he sold a chunk of his bitcoin during the last bear market. I tried to find out what he's up to but can't find anything.
Yes, I saw your post the other day about that. I do not know more about him. Why do you ask? He's not so important for Bitcoin in general. Just a guy talking about BTC price on the market, so nothing new or worth looking into.
I really love all these "quitters" selling their BTC. MORE SATS FOR ME
He changed a bit towards a trader's mentality as I was following him months ago I guess
I thought it was interesting that he was a guy who people looked up to in certain circles, and he wound up cracking under the pressure of the bear market. Cautionary tale. Also, I believe his story was relevant because of his ideas on the whole "paper bitcoin" thing.
He's just another Greg Foss... insignificant for Bitcoin.
If he wasn't before, he is now.
exactly! also I don't see things as success or failure; everything is more like a learning opportunity for me, maybe I learn more, maybe learn less. I mean what's success and failure anyway? Haha.
I'm happy as long as I learn something from it because it would help me to do better next time and know what to avoid so I won't keep wasting time on the things that are not working:)
Looking forward to reading it!
Recommendation to listen today: Axioms of Liberty podcast episode, reading chapter 23 from "Voluntaryst Handbook" - The Case for Libertarian Anarchism: Responses to Ten Objections By Roderick T. Long
I didn't know that. Lol.
do you really think we were joking when we said "taxation if theft" ? You should pay more attention to these things...
Then he needs to change the title of the post. Everyone knows tax is theft but you try not paying tax on your income and see what happens.
why volunteer to pay and then not pay?
try not paying tax on your income and see what happens.
I don't any tax. And nothing happen. You pay it because it's your fear inside you that make you pay it. Study and learn how to defend yourself against theft, with just a simple paper... The power of paper could be much effective than a gun.
Tax gets deducted from my salary every month. I have no say in whether the company should pay my income tax or not. Things aren't always black and white.
You're the only one that has say. It's possible to make them not deduct the income tax and pay to you the whole amount
It's the law! We must respect the law! 😂😂😂😂😂
So? Stop being an employee... Be an entrepreneur and work based on a contract with that company. They must pay you, exactly what you request.
You don't want/can't do that? No problem, that's why I just sent you that link, TO READ AND LEARN how to defeat them with their own "laws":
but again, you are not paying attention to the details we are answering here...
I tried that. Didn't work out. Besides, I enjoy my job.
Very cheery!
Thank you buddy.