why do you care so much
I care because the maximalist ideology is a cult in the exact same sense that jihadism is a cult. If you saw your compatriots start joining ISIS, would you not try to understand why? And if you found that a shared trait of many of those who joined, was a single person, someone who riles them up and makes money off it? Yeah I care.
Again, maximalists are truly pro free market. There is absolutely no problem with Monero surpassing Bitcoin in the future.
Your friend group, which kicks you out if you don't value and speculate on the same commodity as them, these are people you would classify as being of an Austrian mindset? A group which not only discourages the free market of ideas internally (do they not discuss monero because they "don't care", or is it because they fear being outcasts?), but also actively use trolling, "toxicity", and confidence tricks, in order to discourage other bitcoiners to stop talking or thinking about the value of other things?
You believe/propound that you know the price of all crypto that is not bitcoin. Maximalists believe the "objective value" of any shitcoin is zero. This is not Austrian. It is literally marxist.
I understand that you want a world without overlord regulators (as I do), and you believe the ends justify the means. But, as an Austrian like you must understand, more perspective means more vision. Your movement hurts crypto.
They [maximalists] are not here to experiment with science projects or to "try things." They aim to fix the world.
Again, if your cult kicks you out for experimenting, dismisses you as a "fly eating shit", because they know the truth already. This you describe as libertarian? Your argument that I'm imposing on you for questioning your group- is fundamentally different from your group discouraging questions in you. You are not free to find new perspectives, you must all share the same valuation of bitcoin and of all other currency, therefore your collective intelligence is exactly equal to the thought leader that has most influence among you. I'm sure there's no incentives for that person to act maliciously..
In principle, any compromises regarding the core value of Bitcoin (as perceived mostly by Austrians) are a waste of time.
I agree. Blockchains with "less environmentally wasteful" algorithms, or "smart contracts", that's not interesting to me either. They're bullshit. But litecoin is exactly like bitcoin except it is more resistant to centralization. Disregarding litecoin, encouraging others to disregard it, is therefore compromising the core value of bitcoin: A decentralized, trustless, peer to peer ledger.
There's no "I'm libertarian BUT I like the violence of the State sometimes"
I agree with this as well, it's certainly a great cognitive dissonance for me to have such feelings, as a lifelong anarchist. But, to give some context, Sweden (Scandinavia) is not like other places. Are you libertarian in dealing with your family? E.g. if your little brother is retarded, do you let him die because you father forces you to pay "taxes" and help him survive? No. But not because of refusal to subordinate to an authority, only because you like your brother, and trust your father. Scandinavia has the most tightly coupled social cohesion of any place I've been to (lived 2 years in the US, a few months in south america, a while in china). In a real sense, Scandinavians are siblings, whereas the greater country (imo) called USA, the people are more like cousins. So if I ever get to move to America, I will again be full libertarian.
I've had my house raided by police, and I know it can happen any time, I can't defend myself (no right to bear arms here!). I'm not happy about that. But I've stopped considering myself anarchist. End of political rant that is maybe not so interesting to you :)
Honestly, it seems to me that you are the intelligencia who'd like that everybody sit on a hill to be good friends
Of course I want that, I want every single bitcoin enthusiast to hang out and talk and solve shit. When I said "hill" though, I meant it as an analogy to not wanting to interact with other crypto enthusiasts. I want to hear their perspectives as well. Because more perspective, is more vision. And the central bankers, our common enemy, are not weak.