In general, coinjoin provides privacy in expense of cost and speed and often clunky UX.
Specifically, Wasabi has the strongest privacy guarantees, for all we know it's perfect. JoinMarket is good, although you have to do some work to achieve perfect privacy in it, you can't just be a "taker". Samourai/Whirlpool are trash. Not on the same level as the previous two, because they are TTPs.
And then there's Mercury, which is doing interesting things, though not CJ.
And of course LN, which is not great today as implementations go, but has the potential to provide perfect privacy on top of coinjoin channel management.
What is ttp? I use whirlpool through Sparrow and did not realize some think it's "trash". Got any links so I can learn more?
When using Whirlpool you never know how many counterparties run their node and don't share wallet's xpub with Samourai. So, you gain some privacy, but you are never sure that you are private against Samourai people. It's all tradeoffs, could be useful in a lot of cases, but not in all cases.
Trusted third parties. I still have not heard a rational explaination of the issues with Whirlpool and Sparrow. Only Samoria wallet using their node.
in expense of cost and speed and often clunky UX.
I think Bitcoiners are too focused on the cost and speed aspect. The biggest leverage to make CoinJoin more mainstream is the UX aspect.