Wonderful post.
I recommend anyone to do Dr Petersons Self authoring program. It's become more expensive than it was when I got it (29 usd compared to, i think, 10 usd). But really changes you. The concept is simple and has two main parts:
  1. You write down what your life has been, in detail, up until now. All the experiences you can remember, whatever they are.
  2. Then you imagine yourself in 5 years: First imagine "What would my perfect life be?" Write down in detail, how it would be, on an average day or so. Then you imagine yourself in 5 years again, but this time you write down what your life would be like if you kept doing what you're currently doing, keeping your habits.
Basically. Thats how I remember it anyway. Each of the two parts take 4-5 hours.
He has a peer reviewed paper on the effectiveness of it. It raises the grades significantly of the students he had that participated.