Id love to, can you recommend a good one for me to listen to? Was about to go on a walk anyway so perfect timing.
Alright, that's reasonable. Digital currency can exist, i think they call it bitcoin! Do you mean that litecoin is the same as bitcoin and therefore inflates bitcoin? That would explain a lot
PS. You probably already know this but bitcoin was based in huge part by the email problen you are describing: It was solved by attaching a header (timestamped) to your email, with some extra random bits, and then doing PoW until you found a digest low enough, and attaching all that to the header of the email. Thus proving youre the one who sent it, that youre not a bot, and when you sent it. I dont think it had any central service keeping track of used hashes, so double email would still be a problem. But obviously bitcoin solved way more
I can't remember which was the best one I heard. Maybe check out Natalie Brunell when she interviewed him? -