Here's the deal. If we had real competition instead of the state distorting the market for money we'd see a very different outcome. We'd have a LOT more people getting burned by scams but people would be forced to learn. The state has created generations of people that are encouraged to be ignorant and outsource their thinking. So yes we should have real competition because if we did we'd see quicker adoption of the best money ever.
Totally agree. Libertarians unite! I'm not sure why there needs to be a best money, like i've said in other places in this thread, does it matter if I pay for bananas using gold or silver? If I pay with silver, does that mean that gold loses market value?
By this I mean, I don't care if bitcoin isn't the best (i.e. most private, most decentralized, incorruptible) but remains most valued. Alternatives are always good.