HA! You should do whatever you think is a good investment of your time. Don't ask me. I'm for freedom. I'm also bitcoin only because I believe it is a waste of my time to look at shitcoins. Believe me, I've looked. I've wasted a lot of time on it. But you be you. In the end, the best money will win.
In the end, both silver and gold can be used to buy bananas.
True, I don't think bitcoin will ever be the only choice. But as of today I think it is the best hope for the future.
Hey, as long as we can get get rid of these authoritarian unaccountable central bankers, I don't care either. That's my strongest steelman of maximalism, "united we stand". But as I've by now said ad nauseum, it's also potentially a weakness. Them bankers gotta go