Relax. There are always tradeoffs. Its true that there are negatives to coinjoin but I think you're overreacting. Education is the key. People need to understand how it works, what are the upsides and downsides. Hot wallets aren't bad. Every lightning node is a hot wallet... so I guess we are all dumb for using lightning. I'm not putting my life savings in a hot wallet but that doesn't mean they have no utility.
This nonsense between two bitcoin projects with different views on privacy, security, and sovereignty is just that. Two different sets of views that have different implementations with different tradeoffs.
Fair. But also hot wallets are fugazi.
Lightning can be recovered on L1 so not hot. Per se.
Lightning nodes are hot wallets. Its one of the risks. Hot wallets aren't bad. They are just higher risk than cold wallets. This whole discussion has gone off track into opinion instead of a discussion of tradeoffs.
Coinjoin isn't perfect but it also isn't something no one should consider. Based on the comments some folks don't understand how it works and dont seem interested in learning.
I will add that there are efforts to make lightning nodes safer but any hot wallet is connected to the Internet and that adds risks.
Relax. Don't do it.