I'd like to compile a list of books that should be on every Bitcoiner's bookshelf. They don't have to be about Bitcoin specifically, but contribute to the knowledge, worldview, mentality and "DNA" of a Bitcoiner.
They could be on economics, entrepreneurship, philosophy, history or whatever.
I'd like to create a list specifically as a resource for people who want to work in Bitcoin. Imagine hiring a Bitcoiner for your team, what would be on your "required reading" list for them, to be sure you're on the same "page"?
Please include a sentence as to why you're suggesting specific books. Thank you!
"The Blocksize War: The Battle Over Who Controls Bitcoin’s Protocol Rules"
Learned who the big-blockers were/are, has a good history of the bitcoin forks, and just the story of bitcoin in a pivotal part of it's history.
Thank you! I'll put it on the list!
"Paris 1919" - Those who forget history are bound to repeat it, this book focuses on the time b/w the two great wars. About 100 years back, every thing is cyclical even the Weimar republic.
Thank you, I'll check it out!
Yeah, that is a good book. Been a looooong time since I read it. Like before I really got bitcoin. I should re-read it maybe.
The Bitcoin Standard. A classic, it really made me think about money and the history of money, and understand it so much more than I ever did. And it opened the door to bitcoin for me.
Thank you, this book is on the list :)
Indeed. I know there are folks that don't like the author and he is opinionated but seriously. Its a great book and if I only read books with only things I agreed with I'd be rather bored and limited.
Good point! Always good to stay open minded and listen to people we disagree with.
The Bullish Case for Bitcoin. It doesn't attempt to be exhaustive. Great summary with just the right about of technical background on bitcoin. If you are technically minded I think this should be the first book on bitcoin you read.
Also I'd suggest - the original article with the same title (https://vijayboyapati.medium.com/the-bullish-case-for-bitcoin-6ecc8bdecc1) is a gem. Absolutely loved it, it got me started down the rabbit hole. And of course, it's much shorter.
Yes, this one will be on the list, thank you!
In addition to the books mentioned below, what does everyone think of
The creature from Jekyll Island The sovereign individual The price of tomorrow
Every Bitcoiner, young and old, should consider reading all TuttleTwins titles.
These are easy and accessible kids storybooks that incorporate libertarian ideas, a necessary grounding to understand the values of Bitcoin and freedom.
These kids storybooks are stepping stones to works by Mises, Rothbard, Hoppe, Bastiat, Ayn Rand, etc.
Oh nice, I'll check these out!