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Do you even respond at all?
Ask questions? Laugh? Get in fights? Simply HFSP??
I've pretty much outgrown the evangelism stage at this point. It definitely comes out more in bull markets, but whenever I hear anti-Bitcoin talk these days I usually just have a flat "OK" response. I've heard it all too many times at this point.
How do you think you'll handle the wave of random friends/family reaching out about Bitcoin during the bull?
It doesn't really matter the topic, but I'll usually say "oh, okay. i disagree, but it sounds like you've thought a lot about it"
Most people just want to use other people's ears as thought-puke buckets
Oh isn't that the truth. It reminds me of a discussion I had with some friends about mental bulimia. Consuming information and puking it out to people without consideration. You see this with political "discussions" with most people. Another term for this is Rand's "second-handers".
Oh man I'm going get so much mileage out of mental bulimia!
Same vibe. "ok, I have been studying bitcoin for years, it's not for everyone"
β€œStudying and Hodling for years… it’s worked out rather well.”
Then tell them there are countless books on Bitcoin (not altcoins).
I’m done overtly orange pilling.
I found the soft sell works way better.
thought-puke buckets is a new one ive never heard that
i like it
Cutting. But this is truuuuuth
For people I don't know, I go with my man Satoshi on this one:
"If you don't believe it or don't get it, I don't have the time to try to convince you, sorry."
For people I love, I just stack a few extra sats in their name so if I ever need to I can help them out.
bribery is a good start to orange pilling tactic
I ask them if they know what the difficulty adjustment means. If they have no clue, I don’t engage (because they have no clue).
memes. memes are a powerful response. and usually shitcoiners and haters can't meme well...
do u have a go-to meme darth
this one I love it. works 100%
of course, first I try sending them to read my guides, especially these 2:
if they still continue with their shit... then HFSP and later "I told you so". I will not waste my time with them anymore. More sats for me.
I don't waste my mental energy on haters and skeptics.
If someone is genuinely curious, I will share some links with them that will help them understand bitcoin in relation to their legitimate curiosity. I use some of the resources in this article and a lot of books: https://www.whatisbitcoin.com/culture/tools-to-orange-pill-friends-family
One of my favorites is the bitcoin profitable days from Look Into Bitcoin: https://www.lookintobitcoin.com/charts/bitcoin-profitable-days/
This makes it easy to understand that buying and hodling for a long time is the best way to protect the value of your labor. The actual data gives them something to see at a glance and easily understand the profitability of hodling.
Thanks for sharing the article! I've seen some of these tools but some are new to me! Very helpful for the normies
From the excellent book: How to win friends and influence people:
"The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it."
How do you think you'll handle the wave of random friends/family reaching out about Bitcoin during the bull?
I am thinking about just saying "Come back when bitcoin crashed again"
Not a bad one. It's hard to strike the balance of promoting that now is always a great time to bitcoin while at the same time being highly aware of the fact that we're in the midst of a delusional hive-minded cesspool of capital flooding into every nook and cranny of any pile of shit that smells like a "coin", whether it's a Bit or not.
Nonetheless, I still help people buy whenever they come to me wanting to. Who knows how high the degeneracy can take the market? The important next step is helping them become highly aware of that fact too lol
how this got posted twice, i do not know
Not a bad one. It's hard to strike the balance of promoting that now is always a great time to bitcoin while at the same time being highly aware of the fact that we're in the midst of a delusional hive-minded cesspool of capital flooding into every nook and cranny of any pile of shit that smells like a "coin", whether it's a Bit or not.
Nonetheless, I still help people buy whenever they come to me wanting to. Who knows how high the degeneracy can take the market? The important next step is helping them become highly aware of that fact too lol
I ask questions. Then I respond. Most people that have criticisms of bitcoin are rationalizing the decision to ignore it. I say this because when I have responses that nullify their criticisms they don't ask more questions. If someone seeks to expand their knowledge they ask questions.
Most people that have criticisms of bitcoin are rationalizing the decision to ignore it
aint this the truth
Its a real thing for all of us when we are faced with facts that we have ignored. I've faced this MANY times and slowly become more comfortable accepting that I've been wrong about something for many years. Depending on what it is... it can be very painful but this is the only way to grow and learn. Sadly many people do not seem capable of doing this. This is why I think its a waste of time to convince the masses of anything. Better to show them. People will adopt something that works when they see others doing it. I think this is one way bitcoin adoption will happen. We get the thinkers to use it and we use it. I'm not a big NGU guy but that WILL be a key reason most people adopt bitcoin. It will be a life boat. Some will not get on the life boat. We can't help them.
78 sats \ 1 reply \ @fm 26 Oct 2023
Do you even respond at all?
Yes, by buying more
the amount of time's ive smash bought btc right after hearing some absolute nonsense...
I giggle like a chad
i welcome criticism. Iron sharpens iron.
You want to know your bllindspots and make sure those are covered in your thesis.
So i welcome criticisms and listen attentively and only respond if i feel the person speaking is in a place to receive feedback. And i do so with humility and respect.
The best way is to look em on eyes and respond "OK"
I stopped evangelising 2 years ago - it doesnt work lol.
  1. if they want to learn about it, i help.
  2. For the haters: "you dont need bitcoin now, and thats ok" 😊
I proceed as normal because most criticisms come from a misunderstanding of what bitcoin is and why we need it.
Still many people think that it was a big gambling casino filled with degens looking to make a quick buck. I dispel that notion by explaining what bitcoin actually is and how it stops a whole list of corruptions within the fiat system.
My coworker once thought that it was a company. She unironically wanted to "get in contact" with the Bitcoin team for something
"can i speak to the bitcoin manager plz"
Usually laugh. I mean I don't want to laugh at people but the "I read an article about bitcoin and now I know everything about it" hubris is ridiculous. So just laugh and say "ok, I have been studying bitcoin for years, it's not for everyone". I don't leave it open for discussion with close minded people. If people are open minded I will engage and discuss.
Like when I was a riled up atheist. I like the Atheist Experience old school format. Many people telling them that's not how to talk to non atheist but personally, that rude form was the final nail on the coffin for me.
Meaning different people have different trigger points or aha moments or eureka. We just need to cover all the bases, let some talk nice, some fast, some confusing, some rude way of talking to others, just not violent.
Why dont' i see a lightning symbol on the left side of my post? Or that's how it is when i'm the one who wrote it?
yup cant zap yourself!
I just answer and correct all the things they get wrong in good spirits for I have nothing to gain I'm simply just helping them free their mind like morpheus haha πŸ˜„ some will listen some won't I do it out of selflessness people can feel that
I usually don't respond at all. Particularly if it's just an acquaintance or a relative stranger. I don't have the time or energy to dig deeper and find out whether they're open-minded or not.
If it's someone like family or a close friend and their comment doesn't signal noticeable disdain or outright hostility to BTC, I'll take the time to gently ask what their preferred asset classes are and then point out why XYZ asset class has ABC problems and doesn't actually protect them from 123.
The goal there with people I know/I love is to be thought-provoking and hopefully get them to see BTC from a different angle.
Otherwise, I just keep quietly stacking and SWAN.
It's very simple as Satoshi said: "If you don't believe it or don't get it, I don't have time to explain it to you"
Depends on the criticism, I have rational responses for all.
Honestly, I actually enjoy hearing people's arguments. It's rare that I find one nowadays that hasn't already been refuted many times over but occasionally I hear something I haven't heard before and it's fun to think it through.
If it seems like they've already made up their mind and they're just looking for confirmation of their own bias I just drop the counter argument and exit the conversation. I'm not trying to win the argument, just hopefully trigger them to think more deeply.
yes, it's a lot more interesting when there's (healthy) disagreement
sometimes i'll talk to people and they receive every single word that im saying without question. I guess it's good but also leaves me wondering if anything actually resonated
Proportionately with regard to intelligence and level of interest (mine and theirs.) I don't know about antagonistic responses, but if it's what I'd consider to be misguided from media narratives or irrationally based on economic fact, maybe I'd try to engage and have a conversation from those angles that are supposed.
I think Lyn Alden said something about lack of general awareness to market-cycles, I think Adam Back said something similar about the possibility of overselling something. I've come to a similar conclusion that learning should be first.
have to meet every person where they're at. So many different angles that could possibly resonate, just have to find which one to go with. Id like to believe bitcoin can get through to anyone, if just framed appropriately
Yeah. That's what I was trying to say. People get more receptive when they need to. Everyone's in a different place.
I was just watching The Buenos Aires Episode of Follow the Money It makes an interesting case on why populations are a lot softer in dealing with inflation (at ~20+%) and can't imagine why you might learn more and how you can survive inflation at 100%+.
I don't respond, I let them do what they want with their money. I will continue to save my income in the hardest money ever created
I love the criticism. It means we are in the "then they fight you" phase of the "first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win" pattern.
Do not challenge their criticisms because that never works, but instead try to get them to identify what could happen that could convince them to reconsider that their criticism may be incorrect. If they'll do that then you know you have someone you can have a conversation with, few will do this.
When people reach out I hope I am kind. Bitcoin is for everyone.
I let the price of Bitcoin be my verdict
I laugh πŸ˜‚
Ask them to name a better form of money & why.
With rolled eyes. πŸ™„
I've moved on from responding, I used t be the argumentative one, then I moved onto trying to explain but I realised none of that was getting me anywhere nor that other person. There have been a tiny tiny minority of curious people but they drive the conversation and I just answer the questions and try to point them into directions of things they should look at
When it comes to those who just want to shit on bitcoin with some headline they read somewhere I just smile and say well if you're happy with that stance then great and I move on, i know where I am not wanted lol
there is no critizism
only jealousy and laughable attacks. central banksters feeling that their unlimited money printing is under attack by honest money which is a threat for their criminal behavior and who do not know what else to do but to smear bitcoin with all kind of riculous attacks using the propaganda institutions they own.
I don’t talk about it unless the other person is interested.
It is hard to convince people. Dale Carnegie even said it's impossible. The best is to ask questions.
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Some people are too bought into an ideology to listen, it's true. When i was in my early 20s I was super left wing (left-anarchist). I remember it almost being painful to listen to right-wingers speak. How could they not understand??? Are they just trolls!? Evil???
Nowadays I'm a right-winger libertarian (lol, anarchist to anarchist). And the difference is, I enjoy hearing everyone talk, enjoy discussing politics with everyone.
I know you're partly joking. You don't think that the humans outside the fairly techy circle of crypto are all "shit-eating flies, too stupid to even understand your amazing wisdom".
I love it when I get a chance to talk about bitcoin, or crypto in general. Because I understand how free humanity can become if more know what I know.
If someone doesn't listen to you, they maybe just hate crypto "cos its a big scam", you can help them understand by being humble. "Yeah, there are a lot of scams going on! You're right. But have you noticed that the price of milk has doubled in the last year?...." etc.
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I see your point. I'm swedish, our social cohesion in scandinavia is like siblings. I've been to america and noticed that there people are more like cousins. But the few short times I've been to east-europe (and from stories ive heard), it doesn't seem like there is any "family" feeling between citizens at all. Good luck mate. Have a zap
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