It seems like a scam to me, if these people see it like an investment, then they are missing out on what Bitcoin is really for.
I agree with your point it is going to be good for adoption but as the same time it's also bad because it defeats the entire purpose of bitcoin. Bitcoin is by the people for the people. Not Your Keys, Not Your Crypto!!!
good for adoption
I'm not sure about this, maybe more and more people would hear about Bitcoin, but they most likely see it as an investment; Maybe more real people using Bitcoin to pay for daily things is more helpful for adoption.
those who made more research will use it to pay for daily things but over all i think it is not good for the purpose of bitcoin
well said: scam
I don't give a shit. It's all useless noise. It have nothing to do with Bitcoin.
Reminder: Satoshi's papers, stated:
Abstract. A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution.
I do not see anywhere in that paper mentioning ETFs crap.
ETFs are like steroids Its awesome until its not..
it seems like just another hijacking tactic by the institutions, and it will be approved sooner than later. doesn't change the fundamentals of Bitcoin at all, but it will almost certainly change the way public views it.
as others point out, those investing in the ETF will be missing the bigger picture, and will be hurt by that oversight in the end (when the status quo shifts).
BlackRock n gets what it wants