If you're going Multisig, then we'd highly recommend the SeedQR route. It adds security, drastically reduces complexity and also means you don't need to buy/learn/use multiple hardware wallets.
Others have mentioned the SeedSigner which is fantastic and also avoids supply chain risks... but if you don't want to build it yourself the Blockstream Jade is great too. The Foundation Passport is gorgeous and super great quality, but more expensive than the Jade. Passport doesn't fully support SeedQR (yet) but will soon.
Basically using SeedQR means you can just use the SeedSigner / Jade as a temporary signer. If you have a 2-of-3 multisig you have have 3 QR codes and that's it. That's all you ever need to remember or protect. No PINs, no HWWs to care about. Just the QR codes (and the multisig descriptor file of course).
So a 2-of-3 setup might look like:
  • 1 x Jade (blank so can be stored anywhere)
  • 3 x SeedQR codes stored in different locations
  • 3 x Output Descriptor files stored with each of the SeedQR codes
If you want to send funds, you create your transaction then to sign it you grab your Jade, scan in a QR code, sign it, then turn it off, grab and scan the second QR code, sign it and it's good to broadcast!
If you don't want to go the SeedQR route, then our top recommendations are:
You can see all 40+ HWWs we've reviewed and rated as well as how they score (click the i button) here
Note: if you haven't already hooked everything up to your own Full Node then you should 100% be focusing on THAT first, not another HWW. We just dropped a super detailed, step-by-step guide on How To Build A Sexy Umbrel Node For $300
That's all you ever need to remember or protect. Thanks for the thorough response.
This is a huge help and provides some context I was missing (such as SeedQR).
As a bonus, I've now also come across the Athena Alpha website which looks to be a really nice source of reviews and guides. Always a win when coming across more resources to help with learning.
That's what we're here for 🙂
We're Bitcoin only and aim to provide top tier level education and guidance for as many people as possible, from beginners all the way up to financial planners or those wanting to deploy a 7-of-9 multisig wallet backed by their own full node running on all FOSS.