A thing I think about a lot is how to get in front of this lag time.
Me too! My hack is to just assume I'm wrong and being stupid like past old people. It tends to cancel out my historical bias. Being relatively uncertain appears unnerving, but it's actually just being honest. The more a world changes the more fact-like non-facts change.
I'm going to jump in all the way and try to adapt to this, and take advantage of its unique features?
I fall short of this I think. I haven't used Tik Tok for instance. Homework!
I'm afraid of using TikTok since I might like it too much. Getting rid of Reddit was already hard enough.
So I think it's fair to not "jump in all the way" if you're pretty sure you know what it's all about and you already have some experience with similar things.
But maybe TikTok is different, yes. But I think it's different in the sense of being a even worse attention sucking experience than Reddit.
But maybe that's the point? Should I try it out to see if I am right? And if there is indeed some advantage to gain by having some first hand experience with TikTok?
Even if this experience is just confirmation of my worries?