What would life look like right now?
I've sometimes thought about this -- about where my life would be right now if I had never discovered Bitcoin?
Let's say that you heard about it today, for the very first time (again). Now you have a chance to re-learn everything that you once knew. How would your learning process change?
Where would you begin this time? What would you avoid this time around? Is there any guidance you wish you had? Concepts that would've clarified things? Friends to help you with certain things?
im totally getting fired
Good thing is I wrote down all the important stuff! cheat codes haha.
How would your learning process change?
I would
  • just read @DarthCoin's guide if I lucky to find it again
  • not wasting money on buying ledger
  • not touching CEX
  • hangout in SN 😂
I really wonder what kinda gibberish all my notes and writings on bitcoin over the years would look like to me today if I forgot all about it 😅
The rantings of a madman
oh thats still the case i acknowledge!
This is actually useful for thinking about how newbies are seeing Bitcoin right now.
I think you need to add: Your memory of 2008 and its impacts on your family is wiped from your memory (maybe only Covid economics are etched in your mind.
Probably have to add a lot of other things too
If my brain was wiped? Bitcoin wouldn't be my first concern. Getting to know my wife and kids would be. Figuring out how to make a living. Regarding bitcoin, my family would help me rebuild by sharing what I've shared with them and because of my habits I would be able to not make the same mistakes I made the first go around with bitcoin. I'm sure my family would tell me about many of my mistakes because I don't hide them from them.
Yep, the knowledge may be gone but the habits and skills developed are still there to learn. Would be much easier this time around
I wouldn't trust "knowledgeable" people trying to dissuade me from buying Bitcoin because "it's just a bubble, it will never take over".
Fuck my high school economics teacher. Fuck me for listening to her advice. I would have entered the Bitcoin space way sooner.
economists' best skillset = spinning fairy tales to suppress their own cognitive dissonance
Agree. Well, part of my university background is in economics (but now doing something else), let's see if newer generations can fix this ;)
With teachers it's the worst, because it's literally their job to be more educated on you, too bad many of them forget that they arent experts in everything
How would your learning process change?
Will not change in any way. Will start over as I started in 2012, with the Bitcoin whitepaper.
Same, but through the shitcoiner route because bitcoin is obviously old tech and not good for the environment, which doesn't even solve any problem plus I can't use it for anything yada yada yada
Nah mate what the hell! Let this shitcoiner in, he'll learn. He did once before the sudden amnesia!
The white paper confused me too much first, reading and podcasts clarified things much more easily in my experience
The white paper a much more satisfying read nowadays haha
Moving house I find a weird slab of metal with some nonsense words on. I chuck it in the trash because what's this crap for.
Read broken money as first introduction. Avoid shitcoining hopefully. Avoid buying a shitty, small utxo-y KYC bag. Start home miming and running a lightning node asap but thats pretty wishful thinking 😅
But seriously i think broken money is a great book to read once you are starting down the path...very comprehensive and better than bitcoin standard imo. Very glad it exists now.
I think in the end I would end up right where I am today, with what I know about BTC. BTC was the illuminating answer to an economic and financial unease I was feeling, not a solution in search of a problem.
Because I came to it with the question in mind first, as long as my analytical approach and inquisitive nature are still the same after Agent J visits me, I'm confident I would be back here.
In hindsight, one thing I would change is using KYC exchanges as my gateway to the network. I didn't use them for very long but because of all the issues associated with using them, I'd like to have that decision back.
Being a bit stubborn I'd likely make a lot of the same mistakes again. Its the only way I learn
The correct answer
I'd probably go back to being a sport loving sheep working dead end jobs being miserable and fall into sports gambling taking trips bitching about inflation and being pro war pro esg marching along with the masses 🐑💀
My Bitcoin journey started with one simple question "What is money?" As long as I don't forget the question, I'm sure I'd still go down the same path.