I think Bitcoiners are likely to be surprised how little adoption will take place even in the face of life-altering inflation. People will continue to use what they're used to, and won't take the time to understand what/why/how Bitcoin can benefit them. They'll be, by and large, controlled by state-driven headline-narrated FUD to resist adoption for a very long time, even if the price just keeps going up and up and up.
These bugs don't taste that bad.
Not only that, they’re good for you and the environment. The science says so!
lol, I will not eat ze bugs.
The slow boiling of the frog.
great one!
even in the face of life-altering inflation. People will continue to use what they're used to
The pessimist takes on adoption have definitely increased recently. I wonder why. In life-altering inflation (whatever you mean by this) people will flee to stocks and real estate and also Bitcoin.
That's not a bad thing if the first waves have only a little Bitcoin adoption and the second more and the third even more. It's natural.
I agree that some will do this. Hell, they're doing is now. But the masses by and large will not, IMO. However, I do think there is a light at the end of the tunnel; and that light is education from Bitcoin Maxis that the everyday normie knows and trusts. The more of us there are, the better. In the very very long run, people will ultimately turn to Bitcoin, I just think it's going to take a lot longer than most of us may believe, however rational it may be.
Yep, because they want everything right here right now. Big things take time to be built. Adoption is really slow but it’s there. IMO
I think we all agree on that. However, Sudden adoption (everybody using btc in entire countries) could be a possibility and would surprise everybody, we don’t know the future!
Reminds me of Saifedean’s comments about people still investing in and holding the Lebanese Pound to this day because the think it’ll bounce back.