What do you think will be the biggest surprises for Bitcoiners in the next few years?
These can be positive or negative surprises, but I’m specifically looking for things that deviate from the typical chatter and narratives one might see on Bitcoin Twitter.
For example, “Bitcoin is going to 100k this year” would not be a surprise for most Bitcoiners.
Bonus sats for creativity and interesting surprise predictions!
I think Bitcoiners are likely to be surprised how little adoption will take place even in the face of life-altering inflation. People will continue to use what they're used to, and won't take the time to understand what/why/how Bitcoin can benefit them. They'll be, by and large, controlled by state-driven headline-narrated FUD to resist adoption for a very long time, even if the price just keeps going up and up and up.
These bugs don't taste that bad.
Not only that, they’re good for you and the environment. The science says so!
lol, I will not eat ze bugs.
The slow boiling of the frog.
great one!
even in the face of life-altering inflation. People will continue to use what they're used to
The pessimist takes on adoption have definitely increased recently. I wonder why. In life-altering inflation (whatever you mean by this) people will flee to stocks and real estate and also Bitcoin.
That's not a bad thing if the first waves have only a little Bitcoin adoption and the second more and the third even more. It's natural.
I agree that some will do this. Hell, they're doing is now. But the masses by and large will not, IMO. However, I do think there is a light at the end of the tunnel; and that light is education from Bitcoin Maxis that the everyday normie knows and trusts. The more of us there are, the better. In the very very long run, people will ultimately turn to Bitcoin, I just think it's going to take a lot longer than most of us may believe, however rational it may be.
Yep, because they want everything right here right now. Big things take time to be built. Adoption is really slow but it’s there. IMO
I think we all agree on that. However, Sudden adoption (everybody using btc in entire countries) could be a possibility and would surprise everybody, we don’t know the future!
Reminds me of Saifedean’s comments about people still investing in and holding the Lebanese Pound to this day because the think it’ll bounce back.
Super aggressive tax policy put into place in the US wrt crypto-related capital gains (50% or more); along with accompanying laws for exchanges to implement more draconian KYC and transaction reporting. Also, an attempt at requiring disclosure of all crypto-related holdings of non-trivial size, but I don't think that this will pass.
I honestly don't know whether bitcoiners will find these things surprising or not. They shouldn't, but I'm afraid that they will.
Similar to this but slightly different.
We must tax all bitcoin holdings to help pay off the national debt. It is an "emergency" because we are in a debt spiral and these lazy bitcoiners made all this wealth by just sitting in their mom's basement. They are a smaller enough minority that the public can get behind it.
Besides it not even being possible to prove that someone knows the keys to an UTXO...
It's incompatible with constitutions in many western countries to tax what you own without a transaction. It would already be happening to stock holdings if it was legally possible and it isn't.
I could see high taxes on inflows into and outflows out of Bitcoin tho. More realistic imo.
Dude, they worked around the constitution to allow the literal ownership of other human beings when that was convenient for the bag-holders. And taxes on unrealized capital gains were a public discussion by "serious" politicians not too long ago.
You will find a lot of unthinkable things suddenly turn thinkable -- and constitutional -- when it stops being a toy problem.
It's incompatible with constitutions in many western countries to tax what you own without a transaction.
Where does property tax fit in? One pays yearly tax every year on property they have held for years.
I think they may find the severity of these efforts surprising. The American Empire is predicated on dollar hegemony, so they will go to great lengths to snuff out any threat to that.
100%. I hear a lot of tough talk about what the government wouldn't dare to do. I'm like, motherfuckers, they interned the Japanese. They spent ten trillion invading Iraq to protect the hegemony and the petrodollar. You think they're gonna be put off by your basement full of hunting rifles? You think your Rothbard tramp stamp puts fear into their hearts?
They don't have to unearth the Seed Signer QR codes from every maxi. That's not the aspiration. They have to cool out the 99% of normal people who are starting to understand why non-govt money is a good idea. That is a simpler matter, even if it's fruitless on a longer timescale. But the ultimate futility of the act has never stopped a wounded bear from mauling some poor bastard to death.
US Government trying to force people to hodl and make the dollar die faster, you say? ;)
yes. there will be push to move taxes from income to assets, eg wealth and inheritance taxes
Many friends and family asking you for money because they didn't buy any Bitcoin.
  1. In the next 5 years Bitcoin will became the resistance money, used only by underground markets and people that will resist tyranny.
  2. CBDCs will be massively used (forcibly or not) because many people will just give up and embrace total slavery.
  3. Bitcoin price is still meaningless.
I have lost any hope in people's capacity to decide for themselves the good things. Stop putting all your hope into Bitcoin. "Bitcoin fixes this" is a total nonsense. People are too stupid for having Bitcoin.
I will repeat this over and over and some of you will remember my words in 5 years.
Bitcoin fixes this... but only well into the death of fiat. Fixes very little until then
Satoshi suddenly showing up, saying, "I'm back, and I'm selling my stash!"
Many of us will be one day surprised how many great things are built in this space.
yeah it feels like most people still don’t think very much can be built on bitcoin
When WalletofSatoshi shotgun KYC's it's users.
How many Bitcoins will be lost forever, this decade. Potentially an additional 3-4 million on top of current estimates.
P.S. Don't be one of those plonkers. Don't duck-up custody. Don't be manipulated into war games. Your legacy depends on it.
Governments trying to get their share of the pie. Taxation is gonna become a big thing, time to stack no-kyc sats everyone!
I'll start once Relai launches LN withdrawals and zero fees.
Relai is soft kyc.
that will be clutch. Im lucky having Bull Bitcoin here in Canada as an extremely easy no-kyc on ramp.
Rapid Hyperbitcoinization, as fiat continues its crumble and decay. Stacker news becoming a network state, with a host of @DarthCoin -like citadels all around the world. TheWildHustle becoming TheLongAwaitedPeace.
Hyperbitcoinization will never happen. People are too stupid to understand bitcoin and use it.
With guides, patience and excellent UI/UX we can make it happen! Have faith Darth
I have patience, I am an old bitcoiner in the end... I wrote guides, quite many... We have great developers building many good stuff...
But people are really retarded and will just jump into accepting CBDCs in a blink. And that means that all our work was for nothing. The end.
At one point I was knocking door to door, emotionally yelling at my friends and family about bitcoin. Couldnt understand their hesitancy and reservations, still dont. We cant save everyone, but at least we can be ready to receive the few that manage to get past their cognitive dissonance and whatnot. I'm still hopeful, but maybe its because i'm a young padawan.
Don't take me wrong, I am not that pussy to abandon the ship. I will be the last man on Earth using Bitcoin.
The only thing that I know it will happen is that will not be hyperbitcoinization. The ultimate test and I encourage you to do it: ask people on the street: what are you willing to accept first? Bitcoin or CBDC?
More than 50% will say CBDC. In a blink. And many bitcoiners too will say that. But have no idea the dangers of just thinking of that option. This world is doomed to be a slave world because people are retarded.
The only thing that I know it will happen is that will not be hyperbitcoinization.
but maybe it's fine? I dunno, as long as everything I need would be able to pay in BTC, and I would be able to earn it, isn't enough? maybe I'm thinking small here 😳
you can only help those who want to be helped anyways.
resistance money. Bitcoin is not for the weak, only for brave.
The retarded will end up broke, even if it takes a century
  1. A Bitcoin hardfork that everyone will agree on, deprecating completely the old chain.
  2. The laser eyed ultra toxic maxi quasi-cultist culture dying out because nobody takes them seriously and they actually are as detrimental to Bitcoin as their polar opposite: craptobros.
  3. Bitcoin critics finally realizing that the US is not the only market in the world, thus understanding why FTX going down, Binance US not letting you withdraw your USD and Coinbase being an overall shitty exchange won't kill Bitcoin.
  4. Greenpeace releasing a BIP to actually make Bitcoin consume less energy.
laser eyed ultra toxic maxi quasi-cultist cult
lololololol, shitcoiners like you dying out because your estrogen levels make you infertile
You won't even say what you think a hard fork with consensus would entail? Don't be a coward. I'll tell you my idea if you share yours.
You can check my profile and see how much of a shitcoiner I am, as I said in another to you in another post, stop assuming thing about people, me disliking people like you doesn't not make me a shitcoiner, there's no single right way to love Bitcoin.
About the hardfork I really think that you didn't understand the point of the comment at all, you felt attacked by what I said and you said "this fool's a shitcoiner and an idiot", but since we are here, a hardfork will have a to be made either we like it or not because of the 32-bit unsigned unix timestamp, we either change that or Bitcoin stops producing blocks altogether.
On the positive side I would say the US regime embracing bitcoin. On the negative side little interest in bitcoin after the ETFs are approved(and not for the right reasons.
On the positive side I would say the US regime embracing bitcoin.
That would certainly surprise me. Is that something you actually think is likely to happen, or just a thing that would be surprising were it to happen?
It would be VERY surprising to me if it happened in the next 5 years.
Not in years, but decades.
How fusion power will drastically change hashrate and how quantum computing will change the cryptography.
Also, a good SN link to inform in regard to things that should not be surprising is this piece by @sethforprivacy.
For one, I would push back and say that going to 100k would be very surprising for all bitcoiners.
Otherwise, something like Odell becoming an Eth maxi
Shortage of it's supply!
When you see not enough bitcoin left on exchanges.
Their friend(s) coming out as a Bitcoiners, being negative about it in conversations was just good opsec.
Revolt (fork?) by Bitcoin miners to change the protocol to increase their returns.
when we start to see famous people and our loved ones asking for bitcoin over cuck bucks
Bitcoin topping before 100k next run lol
Many would be very butthurt
What do you think will be the biggest surprises for Bitcoiners in the next few years?
a massive EMP
How the tech actually works. This gig demands play.
Another flash crash to 1 cent for whatever reason, that would be a hell of a surprise lol
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