That’s all well and good, but Israel is surrounded by Arab and Persian countries that believe Palestinians are suffering in an apartheid state. If Israel hits back too hard, these Arab nations, fearing domestic unrest themselves due to a population urging them to do something to protect their religious and ethnic kin, must respond. To add to that, a potential refugee crisis with Palestinians moving into neighbouring countries creates issues. Specifically, many other Arab countries don’t want Hamas’ ideology challenging their rule, which is why they prefer them to stay across the border in Israel.
After reading part 3 of Broken Money, this whole calculus hits differently with me. The US interests desperately need Saudi Arabia to keep on going with the petrodollar -- the entire economy, as it is currently constituted, depends on it. What does that imply for how this plays out?
(Yeah, this is a preview of next week's book club.)
"But now, directly after the Biden speech, Bitcoin – along with gold – is rallying against a backdrop of an aggressive selloff in long-end US Treasuries. This isn’t speculation as to an ETF being approved – this is Bitcoin discounting a future, very inflationary global world war situation."