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I recently mentioned my fun experience of orange pilling one restaurant to accept BTC because I didn't have enough cash with me; the owner said I could pay next time, but I'm a bit annoyed by all the time being wasted to exchange for local fiat, so I asked do you accept Bitcoin? And everything happened next all started with this simple ASK.
He was quite uninterested at first, maybe don't want to have unnecessary work, then I said, but it takes less than 1 minute to create a Bitcoin wallet, it's really simple! And with all the inflation now, accepting Bitcoin is way better, he then started to be curious ( some background story: this happened in Turkey, one of the places having high inflation )
He then asked if I should use Binance? I said no, no need, all you need is to download Blue Wallet. I showed him how to create a new wallet, and he needed to write down the seed words to keep it somewhere safe; I then showed him how to send and receive, but the lesson learned from here is that starting with LN is better when pilling restaurants or cafes.
I decided to go there again for lunch and show the owner how to use LN; I didn't want to confuse him with all the on-chain and LN, custodial or non-custodial wallets, so to keep things simple, I asked him to download Wallet of Satoshi.
  1. First test: I sent 10 sats to his newly downloaded wallet to show him how much faster LN is.
  2. Second transaction: I showed him how he can change the setting to display TRY to smooth the charge and paid my lunch; I can tell he's impressed by how simple things can be.
I then showed him different ways to accept payment from customers over LN:
  • Click receive and input the amount, then show a QR code - good for those in-person paying.
  • Click receive and input the amount, then copy an invoice - good for those ordering online.
  • Use an LN address, which is like a bank account - good for the repeated customers.
Some Details Might Help Onboarding Businesses
  • Help the owners set the local currency displayed to smooth the charge
  • Keep it SIMPLE, overwhelming is not a good way to start
  • Start with BTC over LN is better when orange pilling restaurants or cafes
  1. Be the change, you don't need to wait for the whole world to start accepting BTC, all you need is people or businesses around you to start to accept it; you definitely don't need BlackRock or some companies to come in and say it's cool to use Bitcoin; NO, just use it, if two people consent that using Bitcoin as their value exchange, that it's enough.
  2. Do not expect others to do the work for you, the whole point with BTC is back to peer-to-peer, any third parties should add extra value if they want to be part of the trade.
  3. Find places that accept BTC in BTC map and supporting them is nice, but isn't it better if you can orange pill the places you eat or go all the time?
  4. People trust people around them more than the so-called influencers; funny enough, it all starts with you and me. How about a new fun for everyone? Go to your go-to places and pretend you don't have enough cash to pay, creating a chance for businesses to experiment with magic internet money ⚡️
Imagining more people started asking if they could pay in Bitcoin, business owners would eventually be smart enough to add it as a payment method!
I mostly like the title of this post. The power of a few words. It's great that you helped them out but I think more importantly, if people are even simply asking, it goes a long way.
If you're a business owner and get 5 people that day asking if you're accepting BTC, they're going to start asking their own questions of "okay, why aren't I accepting it?" To make things smoother, it'd be nice to point them to a quick video or explanation of how easy it's become. Anyone have suggestions here?
Either way, I think I'm going to ask more as well. Thanks!
waiting for your orange pilling fun stories:)
Be the change, you don't need to wait for the whole world to start accepting BTC
Keep it SIMPLE, overwhelming is not a good way to start
Yes, will be many jumping in to say that using custodial accounts is bad bla bla bla, but for total noobs is more than enough. If you teach them that is just the first step and then they need to learn more about custody, is just fine.
next time try also with Blink instead of WoS. I know, is also custodial, but at least is open source and we know who made it.
I also have Blink on my phone, but one thing I don't like about it is the stablesats there, causing more confusion for people, so I used WOS to start.
I like and support the KISS method and kudos for the work. A few more reasons to consider Blink:
  • the owner can make a custom lightning address with the name of his local for example
  • any of his employees can charge lightning payments directly to the owners wallet by opening the lightning cash register in any browser
  • can print and display a scannable paycode for payments, tips...
If he asks about stablesats can tell him he can use it if he knows he has to pay a fixed fiat amount in the near future. I know is more complicated but also it shows the power of btc/ln. Blink is continuosly improved and they plan to make it non custodial. Also Wos has a too big market share and the Blink crew deserve the promo. May be a future step for the owner and will show him that there are various solutions.
Zeus has Square integration too. I am going to play around with that and see how well it works.
the owner can make a custom lightning address with the name of his local for example
I also noticed that the shop LN address would be listed in the integrated BTC map.
any of his employees can charge lightning payments directly to the owners wallet by opening the lightning cash register in any browser
cool, let me test this one.
And I would continue to prefect my pilling process, making it so SIMPLE and they can't say no 😂😂😂
Enjoying the discussion on the differences between WoS n Blink. Thanks mate
Blink is only non-US, right?
what do you mean? Any non-KYC app is borderless.
Are we talking about the same thing? Blink that was formerly Bitcoin Beach Wallet? Yeah, that is unavailable in US. From their website: "Blink is unavailable in some countries' app stores, including the US."
Def have heard this feedback before (I work for Galoy / on Blink). Have been considering some improvements to reduce confusion. Do you have any feedback/preference on the below:
  1. Call it "Dollars," not Stablesats, making it simpler to explain (of course we can have popup that explains and mentions stablesats)
  2. Start off accounts with only the Bitcoin account, and allow them to "turn on" a stablesats account if they want to use lightning without the short term volatility of BTC
Awesome onboarding work 💪
  • make stablesats optional to main screen
  • allow to save contacts that use other wallets
Good inputs, thanks @Lux
thanks, and I'm curious why adding Stablesats in the first place, is it meant for merchants who would like to cash out some fiat from sats for their suppliers?
Yes, so in areas where people come to Bitcoin as medium of exchange first (vs. Store of Value), short term volatility is quite an issue. These folks often don't have a bank account, and using Bitcoin allows them to accept digital payments for the first time.
Stablesats allows somebody to get the benefit of instant, global digital payments without needing to be subject to short-term exchange rate volatility.
Example: Small shop accepts BTC and has to pay their rent or inventory at the end of the week, in fiat. By holding their BTC earnings in Stablesats, they can be sure that a 8% drop in BTC doesn't affect their ability to operate the business.
And it's fully lightning interoperable, so other people have found it quite useful as well. For instance if you are traveling and want to have spending money on hand, you may want to fill your Blink wallet with some sats and not worry if the fiat value of those sats is changing day by day.
Other feedback and/or questions are welcome
Wrong. Stablesats are giving a false impression of "stability". Those people could just simply price everything directly in sats and forget about any fiat price. Then let the free market decide the VALUE of a product/service in sats.
Yes, I had the same feeling. You are right, noobs will start asking more stupid questions that are not necessary.
keep it simple and stupid is the way.
reminds me of rejection therapy in that viral TED talk - https://youtu.be/-vZXgApsPCQ A perfect way to go in with zero expectation but it might just lead to something great!
A perfect way to go in with zero expectation but it might just lead to something great!
Yes, nothing is going to happen if they say no anyway, just a simple ask, but the potential is unlimited:
  • being able to pay in sats
  • discounts, because you are a special customer now, maybe even his teacher
  • good opportunity for you to learn when teaching
  • maybe nextdoor shops or his families started to be curious too, etc
"Lost all my cash in a boating accident, can I pay you in bitcoin? All's I got left!!"
I challenge you to pill a cafe this way 😂
definitely a good strategy
need to get more creative to pill others!
so now we can look into btcmap and follow your traces, leaving behind orangepilled shops 😂😂😂😂
I might add them once I leave the places, but keeping those in my base private 😂
I feel like many places in BTC map are using it as a way to marketing, if you have a look at some of those restaurants, they are almost like tourist traps, but I prefer to eat homecook meals, cooked with love and with reasonable price.
Haha I'll try it out at the market one of these weekends, will see if anyone bites
waiting! nah they won't bite, it's fun in different ways.
Great work and write up!
thanks! I need to do more experiments, going to places where you like and being able to pay in BTC is a double joy.
This is awesome @Natalia, I try to do this often myself. Most of the time I get rejected but sometimes it sparks some interest too.
yes, might even lead to interesting conversations ☀️
All the best, keep going!
Kudos to you for having the patience to teach the eatery owner. We all need a little hand-holding at the start!
For me, it's also a learning experience, and paying sats to eat, so nice 😂
The experience with wallet of satoshi is very good for orange pilling. Hopefully they get more curious & start learning about holding their own keys.
it turned out he had other businesses, and I mentioned a bit how he could also integrate into them, let's see:) but I'm really happy that I can eat and pay in sats there.
simple MVP - very good.
I'm personally worried about WoS going offline one day after I've orange pilled the owners of all my local shops. That doesn't concern you? Do you think it would be harder to suggest Phoenix and pay for the initial deposit?
That doesn't concern you?
No, because I don't keep much money there.
Do you think it would be harder to suggest Phoenix and pay for the initial deposit?
yes, wouldn't want to have an overwhelming start for others; Not to mention phoenix is expensive, so many fee, I don't use it myself.
"WoS should be used like carrying $50 in your wallet. If you want to store your bitcoin keys properly, then please use Phoenix / Blue Wallet etc..."
they'll figure it out if they serious :)
they'll figure it out if they serious :)
not your keys. not your coins lol
I guess the fear/anxiety of being told no or being laughed out the building Keeps me from asking this question
Being ridiculed kinda reminds me of the quote,
"first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win"
Maybe it should be,
"first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they go down the rabbit hole, then they get onboard"
It's not too bad - I'm gonna have to revisit where they laughed at me again.
Could be a good opportunity to expand the conversation - especially if they actively bring it up.
if you have a local bitcoin crew, get everyone to ask "do you accept Lightning?" when they pay lol
owner: .....💡
The local bitcoin crew around these parts vanished l’m a lone wolf out here
damn homie🫗
the one time I was brave enough to offer bitcoin payment the bar owner said “no. look my friends work on Ethereum, I know how bitcoin works” 💀
then I might order one more drink to show him the difference 😂😂😂
isn't a good time for you to "showoff" your knowledge?! haha
yes, and make it it's like a normal thing to pay in sats, it's cool to accept.
Conquer your fear because nothing will happen, but it could lead to many other fun! which reminds me that aren't men used to ask girls for numbers in the streets? and asking restaurants if they accept bitcoin is way less scary 😳
I dunno if you are a man, but hey they won't bite.
Trust me I had my moments of courage. I made a ton of lightsat cards and put them in a community center and a charity book box and didn’t get a single taker.
I get your point but rejection still sucks. I think this is why most Bitcoiners don’t even bother just stack sats and shy away from mentioning bitcoin
Adoption needs a market/community willing.
u can normally read the room and tell that most normies just ain’t ready 🥲
I think this is why most Bitcoiners don’t even bother just stack sats and shy away from mentioning bitcoin
But Bitcoin is only useful if we get to use it. More people need to do the work out there, not expecting others to do it or just waiting for the price increase and then hoping others would use it.
Trust me I had my moments of courage.
why not try again 🤓
I hate religious door knockers - same picture.
people learn bitcoin when they need it.
great piece thanks
It would be stupid not to accept
yes, give it a try!
Yep, good story! Shows how BTC can be more than a hedge asset. I’m also trying to show that to my local shops. In my country, a lot of retailers use a commun system (Wordline) that now integrated a free Btc plugin, they just need to ask for it. That’s a first step because they convert directly btc-fiat. The idea is to increase the number of shops that accept BTC (onchain and offchain) and allow BTC owners to finally only have/use BTC for everything!
PS.: I’m looking for « BTC accepted » stickers if anyone knows where I can get some :)
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I see CashApp QR codes for payment everywhere. As far as I know the ability to pay with bitcoin hasn't been turned on yet. Ideally, it would be great to have a small bitcoin balance on CashApp and then as you spend it, it automatically gets sent via lightning to the merchants account and then either stay as bitcoin or automatically convert to fiat as however they have it set up.
Or use the CashApp debit card at an atm and get USD back while only having a bitcoin balance on there. Would come in handy!
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