How so? I mean, it's not like we're gonna sell it... directly 😅👀
not sure where you based, depending on the place, just posting that is promoting consuption.. and not sure if they will ever come at you, but the users.. try to strip all metadata from pics at least.. user is not so smart i come from a place its legal to consume all the stuff you want, yet not legal to plant..
Well if they can't think to eggsif their pics they should be on nostr and using keys etc in the first place 😅😅
hahaha, good point.. but you would be surprised :)
yeah I guess I shouldn't be the one talking, I messed my keys for nostr, then logged in nostrcheck via email instead of alby's extension and my lightning address wasn't available and now for some reason with sn, logging in via Zeus (which has my alby node running) it gave me a different account, logged in via alby on desktop and was empty lol.. Had to log in via email, unlink everything one by one and then login via email and link my lightning account 🦩