When a user signs in with email like "johndoe@mailserver.com", and configures his lightning address "someuser@somedomain.com", he gets a new lightning address "johndoe@mailserver.com.ln2.email" that redirects the HTTP requests: any HTTP request to https://mailserver.com.ln2.email/.well-known/lnurlp/johndoe responds with a 307 Redirect to https://somedomain.com/.well-known/lnurlp/someuser, and the payment continues from there.
This way ln2.email never holds users' funds at any point.
This means they can also redirect to their own LN wallet (or another one by mistake, or maybe some implementations won't work with redirections, etc)
Like anything custodial, you need to trust it.
With LN you can use your own server, that you know will send the sats to your own wallet.
It might be convenient to some people, but I think it is worth mentioning the risks involved.