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The benefit of earning a cowboy hat, you ask? They asked Sir Edmund Hillary why he climbed Everest. His response: Because it was there.
Absolutely using this gif in the future. GOLD!
I think it was Mallory who gave that quote in 1924 when asked why he wanted to climb Everest….
Hilary’s best quote, given having successfully summited was; ‘we’ve knocked the bas**rd off..’
That’s hopefully the mountain and not Mallory…
Correct. But he died. Not inspirational
Definitely not inspirational.
But reminds me of a 1960s comedy sketch set during the Second World War between 2 Royal Air Force officers.
‘Aftermyth of the war’;
Peter Cook: I want you to lay down your life, Perkins. We need a futile gesture at this stage. It will raise the whole tone of the war. Get up in a crate, Perkins, pop over to Bremen, take a shufti, don't come back. Goodbye, Perkins. God, I wish I was going too. Jonathan Miller: Goodbye, sir — or is it — au revoir? Peter Cook: No, Perkins.
I knew you would point out the inaccuracy. I thought of Animal House. The Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Leave him alone. He's on a roll.
That’s a great line. Belushi was taken too soon.
In the same vein from another British comedian in an episode of his show called ‘12 Angry Men’;
‘Does Magna Carta mean nothing to you? Did she die in vain? That brave Hungarian peasant girl who forced King John to sign the pledge at Runnymede and close the boozers at half past ten? Is all this to be forgotten?’
You give me a lot to explore!