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over 2 years on bitcoin twitter will give you plenty to cringe at…
sadly, that is their worldview 🫨
lucky bitcoin twitter is a tiny population of the total global bitcoin users lol 🤙🏽
Most bitcoiners I know in real life try to distance themselves as much as possible from the Twitter crowd.
It's terrible and an absolute shitshow, then they ask why accounts like maxi derangement exist and why Buttcoin calls us all a cult.
Sports and music is tribal, I’ve heard the online gaming community can be toxic too.
it doesn’t mean that all sports, music and games are bad.
Buttcoin(Gerard?) and bitcoin naysayers only see the loud maxis shouting HFSP and NGMI. Instead of saying “some people really need this protocol. I’m hearing you don’t need bitcoin and that’s ok”
I know, that's why I say that he falls for the fallacy of composition (where you assume a whole group behaves like the worst part of it).
What I mean is that those people are proud to be the worst possible people you can see online, they are proud to be seen as maniacs and anyone who's not a maniac isn't a real member of the group, when that couldn't be farther from the truth.
He wrote that book in 2017 and the number of non-zero addresses is still climbing lol
I’m not worried about a small group of loud bitcoiners online 😊
I'm not worried about that, idiocy won't stop Bitcoin adoption, but I'm not blind either.
I just found funny that everything he points out to be a flaw of Bitcoin is everything I find stupid about a part of the community (hence he doesn't hate Bitcoin, he only hates American Style Libertarians, emphasis in American Style), I just wanted to know the similarities with today, I'm sure that many OGs also hated everything stupid that happened during that time and surely hate things that happen today.
yep, he just hates bitcoin twitter lol